Back To School!
Hey Girls its me!! Your one and only blogger! It is August and school is starting and the first day is also special because girls are trying to look pretty and dress pretty! especially for the guys!! Let me tell you something girls. You don't need to dress for no one but you. You have years and years to dress for guys. DRESS FOR YOU AND YOU ONLY! ya'll are all beautiful and wonderfully created by God!! Don't let people tell you your not beautiful. especially guys! Girls, don't other girls tell you your not beautiful or not worth it because you ARE! even if you don't believe. Girls like those think they are perfect and flawless. Well guess what? they are NOT! they cant talk about nobody but their selves. So girls, be who you are! dress appropriately who you are! don't try to be like the other girls! BE YOU! DON'T DRESS FOR GUYS, DRESS FOR YOU! I love each and everyone one of you who is reading my blog. I hope you have a great school year!! AND REMEMBER, BE NICE!!! AND BE YOU!! Nobody's PERFECT! HAVE AND SHOW R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
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Hi everyone!! this is all about Fashion!! Hope u love it!!